LiBRARYSOFT Features (4)

Some of the great features included with LiBRARYSOFTWeB.

Catalog, Circulation, OPAC (searching), AutoCataloguing, MARC, Serials, Acquisitions, Scheduling, BookStore, Labels, Reports, Inventory, Options, Administrative Tools, Self-Circulation, Student Circulation, LiBRARYMaP along with optional Web Components.
Patrons can Search can using OPAC on their machine or Kids OPAC for younger School Children or they can Search Online by accessing OPACinternet from our Servers or Yours (we host a copy at no charge as part of Customer Support). LiBRARYMaP can be used to see where the item is within the Library. Students and Staff can post Ratings and Reviews of Items. The Librarian has the ability to delete inappropriate Reviews.
Use all the Standard Reports plus Custom Reports created from LiBRARYSOFT Users, create new Reports using the Report Generator.
Standard labels including Spine Labels and Barcode Labels as well as customized labels are included. Create new Labels using the Report Generator.
Network as many computers as necessary at no extra charge. For Internet access we include the OPACinternet Module which can be used allow access to patrons from across a network or from across the Internet.
LiBRARYSOFT has some amazing features such as 1.Visual Trees that allow Patrons to search by a Visual Hierarchy of Subjects. 2.LiBRARY MaP to let you Patrons search and see where an item is in the Library. 3. TextStore that allows you to store the searchable contents of an entire book. 4. Extra Subjects fields to store qualitative, quantitative evaluations along with related websites. 5. Automatic record acquisition via AutoFill. 6. Reading Level entry. And a Report Generator.
The LiBRARYSOFT Synch Feature allows you to keep your collection and Circulation information current if you are using the Optional Searchable Web Hosting option included as part of Customer Support and Upgrades.

LiBRARYSOFTWeB Features (7)

Some of the great features included with LiBRARYSOFTWeB.

The Modules include Catalog, Circulation, MARC, Scheduling, Serials, Reports, Labels plus our WebOPAC module OPACinterent which includes LiBRARYMaP. For completeness we include LiBRARYSOFT and AutoCataloguing so that you have Web and Client Server Versions.
Patrons can place Holds, Renew items and search using a Browser. Students and Staff can post Ratings and Reviews of Items. The Librarian has the ability to delete inappropriate Reviews.
Easily manage multiple libraries from your Server, or have us do it for you.
Enter library information in Arabic, Chinese, French, Ukrainian and other languages in any screen.
Use all the Standard Reports plus Custom Reports created from LiBRARYSOFT Users. Similarly standard labels as well as customized labels are available.
Scan the ISBN and retrieve data automatically including the image of the book cover, even scan and retrieve DVD data automatically.
Allow Patrons to Book items online so all they need to do is come in and pick up the resource.