What is included with Upgrades?
LiBRARYSOFT Upgrades can be downloaded for a year from our download site, it does not include any Customer Support. We also include all the Web Modules so you could host your own web applications or if placed on your server all workstations can automatically access the applications as they treat the Network as an Intranet.
What is included with Upgrades and Customer Support?
LiBRARYSOFT Upgrades along with Training Videos can be downloaded from our download site for a year along with full Customer Support by Telephone and Email. Support includes access to free Training Webinars. OPACInternet is included but as part of Support we also Host a copy of your data at no charge. With SYNC the data hosted can be Synchronized to your data file.
Can I request specific changes to the software?
Yes, we welcome requests and upgrade continuously. New Builds appear every few weeks.
How does OPACInternet hosting work?
You send us a copy of the data file, we put it on our server and provide a link back that can be used by staff and patrons or put up on the Library's website. Patrons can place holds and renewals. This information can be automatically updated by using the SYNCH menu option in LiBRARYSOFT or from the OPACinternet site by clicking on Reports and using a Staff Username Password.
How does SYNC work?
SYNC is a new feature in LiBRARYSOFT that allows you to automatically update Hosted data files. You can choose to have the update occur automatically every day or you can instantly update by clicking th SYNCH button. The main benefit is that you have an instant backup and you can process Holds and Renewals made online.
Can I call after hours?
Yes, our staff is at the office after hours. Please do not hesitate to email or call to set up special call times.