Updating Students

Load all Students in Automatically updating existing and adding new students.

Use your school's adminstration program to export your students to a delimited or excel file which can be imported into LiBRARYSOFT. LiBRARYSOFTWeB users can just send us a copy of the file and we will load it in. Or they can use do it themselves by using LiBRARYSOFT and Synching to LiBRARYSOFTWeB.


Other Back to School preparation many schools work on include Inventory to cull unused and damaged items, the Book Store Module can be used for a book sale, LiBRARYMap to set up photographs of where items are in the Library and storage rooms, Textbooksoft to manage the distribution and accountability of school Textbooks. Creat entirely new Reports and Labels with the Report Generator. Use AutoFill from AutoCataloguing to sweep the library filling in missing data. Plus more, see below.

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